Rasgulla Recipie.. How to make soft and spongy rasgullas at home.. Festive Special Recipie..

Rasgulla Recipie

Rasgulla is a milk based sweet made by curdling milk draining the whey and kneading the milk solids. Making round balls and boiling them on sugar syrup.

Kolkata is said to be the heart of Rasgulla.

I am also from Kolkata. So follow my recipie and let me know that weither I am able to bring you the taste of Kolkata's Rasgulla or in bengali ''rosogolla"
So lets check its recipie:-


Lemon juice-2tbsp
Cardamom pods- 2 to 3 pods


Boil milk over a high flame by continuosly stirring them. When it comes to a boil lower the flame and boil for another 5 minutes. After that add lemon juice and stir continuosly. When u see that your milk starts curdling switch off the flame. 
On the other part take a bowl add a strainer and a muslin cloth or a cotton cloth and strain the milk solids and squeeze as much water as you can. After that hang the cloth over a tap or anywhere else for 1 hour so that the extra water drains out. 
Now knead the milk solids untill it turns into a soft and pliable dough.  
Divide into medium sized balls and keep aside.

Boil sugar,water and cardamoms and when it comes to a boil add the dough balls and boil over medium low flame for 20-30 minutes.  
After 20 to 30 minutes check the rasgullas if they are cooked or not.
To check it just drop down a rasgulla into a glass of water if it drowns that means its cooked. If it floats your rasgullas need to be cooked for some more time. 
Let the rasgullas come down to room temperature and then refrigerate  it for a minimum of 4 hours so the rasgullas absorbs the sugar syrup.

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